Something that men will struggle with for months or even years before seeking care is increased frequency of urination or difficulty urinating. These are some of the most common issues that we see with men as they age but it can begin earlier in adulthood. 

There can be many causes of urinary symptoms in men, but the most common is called BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia). BPH is also known as an enlarged prostate and as men age, their risk for this condition goes up. There is still debate around the exact cause of this condition, but traditionally there is just a focus on testosterone (specifically, DHT) levels in the body causing BPH.

However, beyond just an imbalance in testosterone levels in the body, there are several other factors that can lead to BPH and are not usually addressed. Testosterone (and its metabolism) is absolutely one major piece to the puzzle, but some of these other potential contributors are: 

  • Metabolism of other hormones in the body (estrogens, DHEA, prolactin, SHBG)
  • Blood sugar dysregulation (diabetes and pre-diabetes)
  • Inflammation 
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Bladder muscle dysfunction
  • Muscle tone issues in the prostate (your prostate is part muscle!)

It is important to have a thorough assessment to identify which of these factors are the contributors and build a plan to begin systematically addressing them. Balancing out testosterone metabolism and comprehensively addressing other contributors is what leads to long-term improvement in symptoms and prostate health.